
기업 소통의 진화가 시작되다.

영상 생성, 편집, 즉시 배포까지
엔터프라이즈 올인원 비디오 솔루션

영상 생성, 편집, 즉시 배포까지
엔터프라이즈 올인원 비디오 솔루션

영상 생성, 편집, 즉시 배포까지
엔터프라이즈 올인원 비디오 솔루션

영상 생성, 편집, 즉시 배포까지
엔터프라이즈 올인원 비디오 솔루션

Gen & Edit Model

Gen & Edit Model

Plug & Show Engine

Plug & Show Engine

글로벌 시장을 선도하는
기업 맞춤형 동영상 AI 솔루션

CES2025 혁신상 수상

브랜드 일관성 유지 (BI 맞춤형 콘텐츠)

기업의 고유한 브랜드 아이덴티티를 반영하여, 고객이 기대하는 브랜드 일관성을 영상에서 유지합니다.

편집(Editing)과 배포(Distribution)

모바일에서 실시간 편집 가능하며, 다양한 디스플레이에서 손쉽게 송출할 수 있는 기능을 제공합니다.

VDL(Video Description Language)

CSS 기반의 VDL(Video Description Language)을 통해 AI가 학습한 BI를 반영한 템플릿 자동 생성







We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.

We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.

We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.

We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.


We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.

We are developing an automated video generation solution for Samsung Life's Financial Consultant (FC) training videos, aiming to achieve a revolutionary reduction in content production time for operational personnel.

We are developing an automated video generation solution for Samsung Life's Financial Consultant (FC) training videos, aiming to achieve a revolutionary reduction in content production time for operational personnel.

We are developing an automated video generation solution for Samsung Life's Financial Consultant (FC) training videos, aiming to achieve a revolutionary reduction in content production time for operational personnel.


We offer a generative AI video production solution that enables telecommunications companies to evolve their traditional customer communication methods—from print advertising to video-based interactions.


We are developing an automated video generation solution for Samsung Life's Financial Consultant (FC) training videos, aiming to achieve a revolutionary reduction in content production time for operational personnel.


We are developing a system that automatically produces card news and short-form content based on Dong-A Business Review (DBR) content, along with multi-platform distribution capabilities.


We offer a solution that leverages AI technology to quickly and easily convert official documents into videos, effectively conveying their information.


We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.

We offer a generative AI video production solution that enables telecommunications companies to evolve their traditional customer communication methods—from print advertising to video-based interactions.

We offer a generative AI video production solution that enables telecommunications companies to evolve their traditional customer communication methods—from print advertising to video-based interactions.

We offer a generative AI video production solution that enables telecommunications companies to evolve their traditional customer communication methods—from print advertising to video-based interactions.


We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.

We offer a solution that leverages AI technology to quickly and easily convert official documents into videos, effectively conveying their information.

We offer a solution that leverages AI technology to quickly and easily convert official documents into videos, effectively conveying their information.

We offer a solution that leverages AI technology to quickly and easily convert official documents into videos, effectively conveying their information.


We offer a solution that enables producers to effortlessly create pre-visualization videos by accurately and swiftly searching for footage that matches specific criteria—such as similar atmosphere, scenes, and objects—to the concepts they intend to plan and produce.

We are developing a system that automatically produces card news and short-form content based on Dong-A Business Review (DBR) content, along with multi-platform distribution capabilities.

We are developing a system that automatically produces card news and short-form content based on Dong-A Business Review (DBR) content, along with multi-platform distribution capabilities.

We are developing a system that automatically produces card news and short-form content based on Dong-A Business Review (DBR) content, along with multi-platform distribution capabilities.







영상 생성부터 배포까지.
기업들이 맞춤형 영상 콘텐츠로
소통할 수 있도록

영상 생성부터 배포까지.
기업들이 맞춤형 영상 콘텐츠로
소통할 수 있도록

영상 생성부터 배포까지.
기업들이 맞춤형 영상 콘텐츠로 소통할 수 있도록

영상 생성부터 배포까지.
기업들이 맞춤형 영상 콘텐츠로
소통할 수 있도록

Elton Kim, 일만백만 CEO


  • 2021. 12. 설립

  • 2022.06. 한투엑셀러레이터 투자 1억 유치

  • 2022.06. C-Lab 대구 14기 선정

  • 2022.12. 서울대기술지주 TIPS투자 2억 유치

  • 2022.12. 프리팁스(Pre-TIPS) 3차 선정

  • 2023.05. SID 파트너스, JCH 인베스트먼트 브릿지 투자 2억 유치

  • 2023.07. 제25회 포스코 아이디어 마켓 플레이스 (POSCO IMP) 선정

  • 2023.08. 대구광역시 ABB 고성장기업 50 유망벤처 선정

  • 2023.08. 인포뱅크 투자 3억 유치

  • 2023.09. 기보벤처캠프(Kibo Venture CAMP) 제13기

  • 2024.02. 티인베스트먼트 투자 10억 유치

  • 2024.03. ABB 고성장기업 50 육성사업 글로벌 비상(飛上) 프로젝트 선정

  • 2024.04. 대구스타벤처육성사업 선정

  • 2024.04. 초기창업패키지 창업기업 지원사업 선정

  • 2024.07. 딥테크 TIPS 선정

  • 2021. 12. 설립

  • 2022.06. 한투엑셀러레이터 투자 1억 유치

  • 2022.06. C-Lab 대구 14기 선정

  • 2022.12. 서울대기술지주 TIPS투자 2억 유치

  • 2022.12. 프리팁스(Pre-TIPS) 3차 선정

  • 2023.05. SID 파트너스, JCH 인베스트먼트 브릿지 투자 2억 유치

  • 2023.07. 제25회 포스코 아이디어 마켓 플레이스 (POSCO IMP) 선정

  • 2023.08. 대구광역시 ABB 고성장기업 50 유망벤처 선정

  • 2023.08. 인포뱅크 투자 3억 유치

  • 2023.09. 기보벤처캠프(Kibo Venture CAMP) 제13기

  • 2024.02. 티인베스트먼트 투자 10억 유치

  • 2024.03. ABB 고성장기업 50 육성사업 글로벌 비상(飛上) 프로젝트 선정

  • 2024.04. 대구스타벤처육성사업 선정

  • 2024.04. 초기창업패키지 창업기업 지원사업 선정

  • 2024.07. 딥테크 TIPS 선정

  • 2021. 12. 설립

  • 2022.06. 한투엑셀러레이터 투자 1억 유치

  • 2022.06. C-Lab 대구 14기 선정

  • 2022.12. 서울대기술지주 TIPS투자 2억 유치

  • 2022.12. 프리팁스(Pre-TIPS) 3차 선정

  • 2023.05. SID 파트너스, JCH 인베스트먼트 브릿지 투자 2억 유치

  • 2023.07. 제25회 포스코 아이디어 마켓 플레이스 (POSCO IMP) 선정

  • 2023.08. 대구광역시 ABB 고성장기업 50 유망벤처 선정

  • 2023.08. 인포뱅크 투자 3억 유치

  • 2023.09. 기보벤처캠프(Kibo Venture CAMP) 제13기

  • 2024.02. 티인베스트먼트 투자 10억 유치

  • 2024.03. ABB 고성장기업 50 육성사업 글로벌 비상(飛上) 프로젝트 선정

  • 2024.04. 대구스타벤처육성사업 선정

  • 2024.04. 초기창업패키지 창업기업 지원사업 선정

  • 2024.07. 딥테크 TIPS 선정






10kM.ai I Representative Kim YooSug
Business Registration Number: 395-86-02235
Customer Service: contact@10k1m.com

168 Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Tipstown S6 4th Floor
ⓒ 10kM.ai. All rights reserved.


10kM.ai I Representative Kim YooSug
Business Registration Number: 395-86-02235
Customer Service: contact@10k1m.com

168 Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Tipstown S6 4th Floor
ⓒ 10kM.ai. All rights reserved.


10kM.ai I Representative Kim YooSug
Business Registration Number: 395-86-02235
Customer Service: contact@10k1m.com

168 Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Tipstown S6 4th Floor
ⓒ 10kM.ai. All rights reserved.


10kM.ai I Representative Kim YooSug
Business Registration Number: 395-86-02235
Customer Service: contact@10k1m.com

168 Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Tipstown S6 4th Floor
ⓒ 10kM.ai. All rights reserved.